A damper has a number of applications over a number of different industries. At its core, a damper is the component of a system that controls the amount of air flowing to a certain area. Dampers can be placed in package HVAC units, chimneys, cars, ducts, etc.
An HVAC damper can serve a few purposes throughout your heating and cooling system. However, dampers are most useful in your zoning system. HVAC zoning systems work by dividing your home into several groups/zones that can be individually set to different temperatures and specifications. Your damper is the part of your zoning ductwork that closes or opens access to specific areas of your home. A modulating heating and air damper can do this automatically. When a room or area doesn’t need to be heated or cooled, the damper will shut and not allow the air to flow to that specific area. A zoning thermostat is able to convey which areas of the home need the hot or cold air and shut the specific HVAC damper.
If you live in a multi-story home, a zoning system can be very beneficial for temperature regulation. Make sure you get a contractor who knows how to install the proper ductwork, including your HVAC dampers.
Use the Frigidaire contractor locator to find the contractor in your area that is qualified to install your HVAC dampers.